MaTeK brings together 5 institutions from 5 countries.
Comenius University in Bratislava – Project Coordinator

Comenius University in Bratislava is the oldest and biggest University in the Slovak republic. Established in 1919, the University draws on the tradition of Academia Istropolitana that was founded in 1465 in Bratislava by Matthias Corvinus, the King of Hungary. Since its founding the University has ranked among the best educational institution on the national level and it has become an internationally recognised centre of scientific study and research. Being the most comprehensive provider of classical university education in Slovakia, Comenius University has retained the status of the Slovak national university.
Comenius University in Bratislava | Department of Didactics in Mathematics Education
Charles University

Charles University, the oldest University in the Czech Republic and in the entire Central Europe, was founded by Charles IV in 1348. The Faculty of Education at Charles University was established in 1946. The Faculty of Education guarantees Bachelor and Master Degree studies for initial teacher education for pre-school education, primary education, and education for practically all subjects and educational domains in the lower and upper secondary school curriculum. It offers also Ph.D. study programmes.
Charles University | Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education
University of Palermo

The University of Palermo was born in 1807 thanks to Ferdinando III of Borbone’s will, the “rex utriusque Siciliae,” who escaped from Naples in revolt to Palermo. The University today has twelve faculties with nearly 60.000 undergraduate students and 1.200 professors. Palermo’s Mathematics School has a very ancient renowned history that started with the “Circolo Matematico di Palermo” in 1884. Regarding active teaching, the Department of Mathematics and Informatics has the following degree courses: Mathematics, Mathematics for Industry and Finance, Computer Science, Mathematics for Computer Science, and Scientific Communication. The training of mathematics teachers takes place in cooperation with the Department of Mathematics, the Department of Physic and Science, and the research group of G.R.I.M. Since 1979. The G.R.I.M. (Gruppo di Ricerca sull’Insegnamento delle Matematiche) research group in Mathematics Education works in close collaboration with the Department of Mathematics. The group is constituted of about 45 members, including both all school-level teachers and University Scholars.
University of Palermo | Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the largest University in Norway today, with a history dating back to 1910, and a tradition going back to 1767 and the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. NTNU has the main responsibility for higher education in technology in Norway, and it is the country’s premier institution for the education of engineers. The University offers several programmes of professional study and a broad academic curriculum in the natural sciences, social sciences, teacher education, humanities, medicine and health sciences, economics, finance, and administration, as well as architecture and the arts.
NTNU | Department of Teacher Education
Middle East Technical University

Middle East Technical University (METU), founded in 1956, is an international research university, which seeks excellence in serving the country, region, and the world. This well-deserved reputation partly reflects its leading position in terms of international scientific publications and share of research funds from national scientific research funding agencies, primarily The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), among the most prominent universities of Turkey. Moreover, METU – as an international research-intensive university – is among the leading universities in Turkey in terms of depth and breadth of international research projects and the amount of funds generated from research activities. Research revenues account for 20-25% on average of annual METU expenditures, including all payroll costs.