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Survey Information

Dear Mathematics Teacher,

This research is part of a larger international H2020 project which aims to develop and improve the Department of Mathematics Education of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University in Bratislava. The following universities are involved in the MaTeK project: Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, University of Palermo, Italy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, and Middle East Technical University, Turkey.

This study aims to collect data about the use of resources by mathematics teachers to prepare and implement their lessons and conceptions about reasoning and/or proving. The results of the questionnaire will be processed anonymously and will help improve the field of mathematics education.

We would appreciate it if you would participate in the study by filling in the survey. The survey includes three parts. In the first part, there will be questions related to your use of resources. In the second part, there will be questions related to reasoning and/or proving. The last part includes demographic questions, such as age, experience, etc.

You can provide your email address at the end of this questionnaire if you are willing to participate in an online interview.

The survey takes up to 15 minutes to complete.

Thank you for your participation.


[English] [Slovensky] [Česky] [Italiana] [Norsk] [Türkçe]