September 28-29, 2021 – METU (Online)
METU organized a local workshop as one of the project activities for the enhancement of research excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge.
The event was held as a two-day online workshop on September 28-29, 2021. The main goal of the workshop was to improve graduate students and the novice mathematics education researchers for scholarly communication. Although the event was open to anyone interested, graduate students and the faculty in the Department of Mathematics Education have participated. The workshop involved 9 presentations of the graduate students who were going to present their academic work at national and international conferences. The sessions included their presentations and exchanged feedback and suggestions.
The preparation for the workshop involved:
- Contacting with graduate students and making an open call for their presentations
- Examining the applications for the presentation share-feedback and organizing a schedule for the workshop days
- Announcing the workshop event and inviting all who are interested
As seen in the workshop flyer below, nine graduate students were willing to share their work and asked for feedback from their peers and mathematics education professors.
– Workshop Flier –

Depending on whether the academic work was going to be presented at a national or international conference, the language of the presentations was set. Hence, the workshop included presentations both in Turkish and English.
Approximately 20 graduate students and at least three mathematics education professors participated in each day of the two-day workshop, each lasting 2 to 2.5 hours. Those graduate students, along with the ones who shared their presentations, were pursuing their graduate degree in Mathematics Education in Turkey and varied in terms of Masters’ and Ph.D. degrees.
Following the workshop, a short evaluation survey was sent to the participants, and we had 19 returns to the survey. They rated the event by 4.42 (out of 5.00). Most participants found the workshop beneficial and expressed that they wanted to have more of such events. Furthermore, they stated that the workshop could be split up more sessions than just two days.