Enhancement of Research Excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge
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Enhancement of Research Excellence in Mathematics Teacher Knowledge
3rd Summer School in Palermo
3rd Summer School in Palermo June 2023
Ph.D. Summer School in Prague
52nd Ph.D. Summer School in Prague October, 2022
Meetings in Bratislava
Meetings in Bratislava September, 2022
HelmeTo Conference in Palermo September, 2022
2nd Summer School in Ankara
2nd Summer School in Ankara June, 2022
Local Seminar in Trondheim
Local Seminar in Trondheim June, 2022
MaTeK is a project that has been funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 951822
As part of the cooperation between the Norwegian and Slovak MaTeK teams, we have prepared a collection of tasks for Slovak teachers to support student reasoning and argumentation. You can download the teacher and student versions here.
V rámci spolupráce medzi nórskym a slovenským MaTeK tímom sme pre slovenských učiteľov pripravili zbierku úloh na podporu žiackej argumentácie a matematického uvažovania. Verzie pre učiteľov a žiakov si môžete stiahnuť tu.